Shang-Ping Xie (2024) Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics — From El Niño to Climate Change (暫定メモ)

  • Shang-Ping Xie, 2024: Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics: From El Niño to Climate Change. Elsevier, 424 pp. ISBN 978-0-323-95490-7 (paperback)


著者は中国出身で、日本で博士号をとったあと、アメリカ合衆国で大学教員をしている。名まえは漢字では「謝 尚平」とかく。「謝 (Xie)」の発音を かたかな で近似すれば「シエ」である。


===== 目次 =====
– – 1. Ocean-atmospehere coupling
– – 2. Aims of the book
– – 3. Organization
– – 4. Pedagogical features
1. Introduction
– 1.1 Role of the ocean in climate
– 1.2 Climate in the news
– 1.3 Fundamentals
– – 1.3.1 Geophysical fluid dynamics
– – 1.3.2 Ocean
– – 1.3.3 Atmosphere
– – – Isobaric coordinates
– – – Thermodynamic variables
– – 1.3.4 Air-sea exchange
– 1.4 General circulation models
– 1.5 Statistical methods
– – 1.5.1 Correlation
– – 1.5.2 Empirical orthogonal function
2. Energy balance and transport
– 2.1 Planetary energy balance and greenhouse effect
– 2.2 Radiative imbalance and energy transport
– 2.3 Ocean heat transport
– – 2.3.1 Ocean meridional overturning circulations
– – 2.3.2 Sea surface heat flux
– – [Box 2.1] Surface salinity
– 2.4 Atmospheric energy transport
– – 2.4.1 Tropics
– – [Box 2.2] Thermodynamic variables of the moist atmosphere
– – 2.4.2 Extratropics
– Review questions
3. Tropical convection and planetary-scale circulation
– 3.1 Water vapor budget
– 3.2 Ocean temperature effect on convection
– 3.3 Latent heat release in convection
– 3.4 Equatorial awves
– – 3.4.1 Two-level model
– – 3.4.2 Kelvin wave
– – 3.4.3 Rossby waves
– – 3.4.4 Wave dispersion
– – [Box 3.1] Discovery of equatorial waves
– 3.5 Planetary-scale circulation
– – 3.5.1 Response to an isolated heating
– – 3.5.2 Observed tropical circulation
– – 3.5.3 Rotational and divergent flow
– 3.6 Weak temperature gradient and convective threshold
– 3.7 Outlook
– Review questions
4. Madden-Julian oscillation
– 4.1 Convectively coupled waves
– – 4.1.1 Phase speed slowdown
– – 4.1.2 Kelvin wave
– – 4.1.3 Evaporation-wind feedback
– 4.2 Madden-Julian oscillation
– – 4.2.1 Circulation structure
– – 4.2.2 Zonal modulations
– – 4.2.3 Index
– – 4.2.4 Seasonality
– – 4.2.5 Ocean response
– – 4.2.6 Subseasonal prediction
– 5.3 Moisture mode theory
– Review questions
5. Summer Monsoons
– 5.1 South Asian monsoon
– – 5.1.1 Circulation
– – 5.1.2 Orographic effects on convection
– – 5.1.3 Onset
– – [Box 5.1] Land surface-atmosphere interactions
– 5.2 East Asian monsoon
– – 5.2.1 Thermal advection by the westerly jet
– – 5.2.2 Socioeconomic impacts
– – 5.2.3 Subtropical convection
– 5.3 Asian summer monsoon system
– – 5.3.1 Subsystems
– – 5.3.2 Connection to the Sahara Desert
– 5.4 West African monsoon
– 5.5 North American monsoon
– 5.6 Global monsoon
– 5.7 Discussion
– Review questions
6. Subtropical climate: Trade winds and low clouds
– 6.1 Trade wind climate
– 6.2 Cloud-regime transition
– 6.3 Climate feedback
– – 6.3.1 Cloud-SST feedback
– – 6.3.2 Global radiative feedback
– 6.4 California climate
– – 6.4.1 Coastal upwelling
– – 6.4.2 Atmospheric rivers
– – 6.4.2 Hydroclimate
– Review questions
7. Equatorial oceanography
– 7.1 Dynamical models
– – 7.1.1 Equatorial upwelling
– – 7.1.2 Thermal stratification
– – 7.1.3 Phressure perturbation due to thermocline displacements
– – 7.1.4 1.5-layer reduced-gravity model
– – 7.1.5 2.5-layer model
– 7.2 Ocean response to wind stress forcing
– – 7.2.1 Currents at the equator
– – 7.2.2 Yoshida jet
– – 7.2.3 Wave adjustments with meridional boundaries
– – 7.2.4 Ocean adjustments with meridional boundaries
– – 7.2.5 Long Rossby waves and Sverdrup balance
– – 7.2.6 Equatorial current system
– 7.3 Mixed-layer heat budget
– – 7.3.1 Governeing equation
– – 7.3.2 Surface heat flux
– Review questions
8. Coupled feedbacks and tropical climatology
– 8.1 Meridional asymmetry
– – 8.1.1 Wind-evaporation-{sea surface temperature} feedback
– – 8.1.2 Coupled model
– – 8.1.3 Continental forcing and the westward control
– – 8.1.4 Tropical basin view vs. global zonal-mean theory
– 8.2 Equatorial cold tongue and Walker circulation
– 8.3 Equatorial annual cycle
– – [Box 8.1] Climate on the Galapagos
– – 8.3.1 Annual frequency
– – 8.3.2 Westward phase propagation
– – 8.3.3 Broad seasonal variations
– Review questions
9. El Niño, the Southern Oscillation, and the global influence
– [Box 9.1] Road to coupled dynamics
– 9.1 1997-1998 El Niño
– 9.2 Bjerknes feedback
– – 9.2.1 Effect of Earth rotation
– – 9.2.2 Ocean heat budget and coupled instability
– 9.3 Mechanisms for oscillation
– 9.4 Life cycle
– – 9.4.1 Seasonal phase locking
– – 9.4.2 Trigering mechanisms
– – 9.4.3 ENSO diversity
– – 9.4.4 Spring convective view
– 9.5 global influences
– – 9.5.1 Tropics
– – 9.5.2 Pacific North American pattern
– – 9.5.3 Ocean waveguide
– 9.6 Barotropic stationary waves in the westerlies
– – 9.6.1 Energy dispersion
– – 9.6.2 Rossby wave source
– – 9.6.3 Geographic anchor
– – 9.6.4 Seasonality
– 9.7 Seasonal prediction
– 9.8 Summary remarks
– Review questions
10. Tropical Atlantic variability
– 10.1 Seasonal cycle
– – 10.1.1 Intertropical convergence zone
– – 10.1.2 Equatorial cold tongue
– – 10.1.3 Easterly winds over the equatorial Gulf of Guinea
– 10.2 Zonal mode: Atlantic Niño
– 10.3 Meridional mode
– 10.4 Interactions with the Pacific
– – 10.4.1 ENSO influence
– – 10.4.2 Influence on the Pacific
– 10.5 Climate modulation of tropical cyclones
– – [Box 10.1] Coupled modes in forecast ensemble spread
– – 10.5.1 Genesis potential
– – 10.5.2 Dynamics of wind shear
– – 10.5.3 Interannual variability
– – 10.5.4 Ocean feedback
– 10.6 Summary
– Review questions
11. Indian Ocan variability
– 11.1 Seasonal cycle
– 11.2 Zonal mode: Indian Ocean dipole
– 11.3 Basin mode
– – 11.3.1 Thermocline ridge
– – 11.3.2 Wind-evaporation-{sea surface temperature} (WES) feedback in boreal spring
– 11.4 Post-ENSO summer capacitor effect
– – 11.4.1 Indian Ocean effect on the atmosphere
– – 11.4.2 Regional ocean-atmosphere coupling
– – [Box 11.1] An instrinsic mode to the summer monsoon
– – 11.4 3 Prediction
– 11.5 Asian summer monsoon variability
– – 11.5.1 India
– – 11.5.2 China
– 11.6 Synthesis
– Review questions
12. Extratropical variability and the influence on the tropics
– 12.1 Atmospheric internal variability
– 12.2 Atmospheric forcing of SST: Lagged correlation diagnosis
– – 12.2.1 Stochastic model 1 without positive feedback
– – 12.2.2 Lagged corralation
– – 12.2.3 Stochastic model 2 with ocean feedback
– – 12.2.4 Observed cross-correlation
– – [Box 12.1] Evolving views on extratropical variability
– 12.3 Ocean dynamic effects
– – 12.3.1 Ocean Rossby waves
– – [Box 12.2] Ocean front-atmosphere interaction
– – 12.3.2 Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
– 12.4 Extratropical influence on tropical climate
– – 12.4.1 Pacific meridional mode
– – 12.4.2 Cross-equatorial energy transport
– 12.5 Deep meridional overturning circulation
– 12.6 Summary remarks
– Review questions
13. Gloabl Warming: Thermodynamic Effects
– 13.1 Climate feedback analysis
– – [Box 13.1] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project and radiative forcing scenarios
– – 13.1.1 Equilibrium response
– – 13.1.2 Transient response
– – 13.1.3 Abrupt CO2 increase experiment
– 13.2 Global warming hiatus
– – 13.2.1 Tropical Pacific pacemaker effect
– – 13.2.2 Planetary energetics
– – 13.2.3 Estimating anthropogenic warming
– 13.3. RObust atmospheric changes due to thermodynamic effects
– – 13.3.1 Enhanced warming over land
– – 13.3.2 Heatwaves
– – 13.3.3 Arctic amplification
– – 13.3.4 Hydrologic cycle
– – 13.3.5 Slowdown of Walker circulation
– – 13.3.6 Extreme precipitation
– – 13.3.7 Vertical structure of the tropospheric warming
– – 13.3.8 Expansion of subtropical dry zones
– 13.4 Surface acceleration of the subtropical ocean gyre
– 13.5 Discussion
– Review questions
14. Regional climate change
– 14.1 Regional patterns of tropical rainfall change
– 14.2 SST pattern dynamics
– – 14.2.1 El Niño and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) changes
– – 14.2.2 El Niño-like warming
– – 14.2.3 Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) -like warming
– 14.3 Regional uncertainty due to anthropogenic circulation change
– – 14.3.1 SST pattern
– – 14.3.2 Internal variability
– 14.4 Ocean heat uptake
– – 14.4.1 Response to greenhouse forcing
– – 14.4.2 Cross-equatorial energy transport
– 14.5 Aerosol effects
– – 14.5.1 Interhemispheric asymmetry
– – 14.5.2 Ocean dynamic feedback
– – 14.5.3 Evolving distribution
– 14.6 Historical climate change
– 14.7 Synthesis
– Review questions
– – Sponeaneous oscillations
– – Energy view
– – Outlook
– – Now I see


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