Ludwik Fleck (1935/1979) 思考様式と思考集団 / Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact

  • Ludwik FLECK, 1935: Entstehung und Entwicklung einer wissenschaftlichen Tatsache: Einführung in die Lehre vom Denkstil und Denkkollektiv. Basel: Benno Schwabe.
  • Ludwik FLECK; edited by Thaddeus J. TRENN & Robert K. MERTON, translated by Fred BRADLEY & Thaddeus J. TRENN, foreword by Thomas S. KUHN, 1979: Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact. University of Chicago Press, 203 pp. ISBN 0-226-25324-4.




Fleckは「共同体」(community、もとはGemeinschaftだろうか?)という概念も検討したうえで、意識的に「集団」(collective)という表現を選んだらしい。その意味の違いをわたしはまだ理解していない。(同じ思考集団に属していても相互扶助の気持ちがあるとは限らないということだろうか?) ただし発行当時の読者のうちには、集団という用語からソ連の集団農場を連想して反発した人もいたようだ。


1896年に当時オーストリア領だったポーランドのLwow (当時の名前はLemberg、現在はウクライナのLviv)で生まれ、ウィーンに勉強に行ったほかはそこで勉強し勤務もしている。しかし第2次大戦で、まず1939年にソ連に占領され、1941年にはドイツに占領された。ユダヤ人だったので、1942年にドイツにとらえられたが、チフスワクチンを作る能力を持っていたので収容所でその仕事をさせられた。1945年に解放されたあとはLublinやワルシャワで勤務し、1954年科学アカデミー会員に選ばれるなどポーランドの学者社会での地位を得た。しかし1957年にイスラエルに移住し、1961年にそこで亡くなっている。

(関係ないが、ポーランドのユダヤ人ということで、エスペラント語の考案者Zamenhof (1859-1917)を連想した。こちらの出身地は当時ロシア領だったが。Zamenhofの名前はエスペラント語形Ludovikoで知られるが、ポーランド語形ではLudwikだ。)



Contents [v-vi]
Foreword [Kuhn] vii
Preface [Trenn] xiii
Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact
Overview of Contents xxiii
Prologue xxvii[-xxviii]
A scientific fact taken from the annals of medicine is particularly suitable for our observations, because it is very rich in history and content but has not yet been thoroughly examined epistemologically.
One. How the Modern Concept of Syphilis Originated 1
The mystic-ethical, the empirical-therapeutic, the pathogenic, and the etiological disease entity in historical sequence.
Two. Epistemological Conclusions from the Established History of a Concept 20
Section 1. General observations on the significance of the history of science. A scientific concept as a result of the historical development of thought. 20
Section 2. Proto-ideas as guidelines for the development of any finding. 23
Section 3. The tenacity of systems of opinion and the harmony of illusions; viewpoints as autonomous, style-permeated structures [Gebilde]. 27
Section 4. Introduction to thought collectives. The social conditioning of every act of cognition. 38
Three. The Wassermann Reaction and Its Discovery 53
Individual contribution to the discovery compared with that of the collective. How a correct finding can arise from false assumptions and irreproducible initial experiments. What does an author see retrospectively?
Four. Epistemological Considerations Concerning the History of the Wassermann Reaction 82
Section 1. General conclusions. The more deeply we enter into any branch of science the more strongly will we be tied to its thought style. 82
Section 2. Observation, experiment, experience. Discovery as a transformation in thought style. A scientific fact construed as an event in the history of thought and as a resistance by the thought collective. 84
Section 3. Further observations concerning thought collectives. General definition of thought style and thought collective. The nature of a fact. Transient and stable thought collectives. General structure and properties of thought collectives. Social forces active in and preserving thought collectives. Communication of thought both within a thought collective and among thought collectives. 98
Section 4. Some characteristics of the thought collective of modern science. Journal science, vademecum science, and popular science considered from the aspect of their socio-intellectual and epistemological significance. The democratic character of the thought collective of modern science. 111
Section 5. Thought styles. Examples and comparisons of thought styles. The readiness to perceive in an stylized manner. Old and new anatomical descriptions and illustrations as proof that visual perception is always stylized seeing of ideas or meaning by “ideovision” and that every illustration is a stylized ideogram. The special intellectual mood of modern science. 125
Commentary and Annotation
Biographical Sketch 149
Descriptive Analysis 154
Notes 167
Bibliography 185
Index 193[-203]

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