Visualizing population in Japan during the Tokugawa period

[in Japanese]

Data sources

This page is a display of work in progress. It may be changed without notice.

Time-series graphs of population density (Link to another page, presently in Japanese)

Maps of population density; Maps of increase rate of population

(Part 1) Population density at each census; Increase rate at each interval between censuses
C.E.Japanese yearPop. density (person / km2)Info sourceNote (based on Hayami 1992) Increase rate (%/year)Note (my guess)
1721Kyôhô 6 popdens1721.png a
1750Kan'en 3 popdens1750.png aExcluded (too large): Suruga rate1750.png
1756Hôreki 6 popdens1756.png aExcluded (too small): Tsushima
Exchanged: Noto & Kaga
1786Tenmei 6 popdens1786.png b rate1786.png
1792Kansei 4 popdens1792.png cExcluded (too small): Izu, Mikawa, Mimasaka rate1792.png Possibly too small: Kai
1798Kansei 10 popdens1798.png bExcluded (too small): Izu rate1798.png Possibly too large: Kai
1804Bunka 1 popdens1804.png b rate1804.png
1822Bunsei 5 popdens1822.png bExcluded (too small): Shimôsa rate1822.png Possibly too large: Tôtômi, Suruga
1828Bunsei 11 popdens1828.png bExcluded (too small): Tsushima
Corrected (too large): Kai
1834Tenpô 5 popdens1834.png bExcluded (too small): Shimôsa rate1834.png Likely too large: Izu, Echizen, Kai.
Likely too small: Shimotsuke, Hitachi, Suruga, Ômi
1840Tenpô 11 popdens1840.png cExcluded (too small): Izu rate1840.png Likely too large: Shimotsuke, Hitachi, Suruga, Ômi
1846Kôka 3 popdens1846.png aExcluded (too small): Izu rate1846.png
1872Meiji 5 popdens1872.png e rate1872.png
(Part 2) Increase rate in combined time intervals
1828 - 1840 rate18281840.png
1721 - 1846 rate17211846.png
1721 - 1872 rate17211872.png
(Part 3) Linear regression↓Intercept↓Slope↓Increase rate by regression
1721 - 1846
(Rep. year 1800)
popdens1800_linreg.png linreg_increase_pop_dens.png linreg_rate.png
(Part 4) Population density in the present era
2015Heisei 27 popdens2015.png National Census

Notes on Sources

Sources on population

(The table is also included in the following book.)

Sources which are taken by Hayami (1992)

Geographic information of the provinces

Software used for mapping, as well as calculation of areas of provinces and population density

MASUDA Kooiti (増田 耕一)