List of Sessoins
(Tentative) Japanese translation is here.
- Joint Session
- A: Land in the climate system (oral Wed. AM; poster Tue.)
- B: Aerosol, cloud, precipitation and climate interacions (oral Wed. AM-PM; poster Thu.)
- C: Future generation of integrated observation and modelling systems (oral Wed. PM; poster Thu.)
- iLEAPS Session
- 1: Surface exchange processes from leaf-level to earth system scale (oral Mon. PM, Tue. AM; poster Tue.)
- 2: Progress in land-atmosphere interactions and climate change (oral Thu. AM-PM; poster Thu.)
- 3: Role of atmospheric boundary layer processes in modulating surface exchanges (oral Fri. AM; poster Thu.)
- 4: Aerosols from the land surface and their interactions with the climate system (oral Tue. AM-PM; poster Tue.)
- GEWEX Session
- 1: Regional forecasting and predictions for hydrological applications in arid zones (oral Mon. PM; poster Tue.)
- 2: Rainfall variability and drought in Australia (oral Mon. PM)
- 3: Analysis of water and energy cycles (oral Tue. AM; poster Tue.)
- 4: Climate prediction systems (oral Tue. AM; poster Tue.)
- 5: Regional downscaling (oral Tue. PM; poster Tue.)
- 6: Regional hydroclimate projects and studies (oral Tue. PM; poster Tue.)
- 7: Observing surface fluxes: from local to global scales (oral Thu. AM; poster Tue.)
- 8: Multiscale properties of the tropical energy and water cycles: from thunderstorms to monsoons (oral Thu. AM; poster Thu.)
- 9: Advances in the representation of the energy and water cycle in models (oral Thu. PM; poster Thu.)
- 10: Cloud climate feedbacks (oral Thu. PM; poster Thu.)
- 11: The role of integrated observing systems in closing regional and global water and energy budgets (oral Fri. AM; poster Thu.)
- 12: Climate change and global precipitation (oral Fri. AM; poster Thu.)
- GEWEX Poster Session
- 1: High elevation science (Thu.)
- 2: Hydrologic applications and downscaling in climate forecasts (Thu.)
Wikiページ作成 2009-09-17, 最新更新2009-09-21
HTMLページ作成 2015-10-19
増田 耕一 (MASUDA Kooiti)