List of Figures

_Fig. 1. Map of orographic height.

_Fig. 2. Map of names of places discussed in the paper with the smoothed orography.

_Fig. 3. Weekly time series of the total snow cover area over the northern hemisphere from 1973 to 1997.

_Fig. 4. Order statistics (maximum, minimum, median and quartiles) of weekly total snow cover area over the northern hemisphere.

_Fig. 5. Map of frequency (in %) of snow cover occurrence in Weeks 1 - 53, Years 1973 - 1997.

_Fig. 6. Map of frequency (in %) of snow cover occurrence in Weeks 1 - 8, Years 1973 - 1997.

_Fig. 7. Maps of `snowmelt week' of individual years, (a) 1975 and (b) 1987.

_Fig. 8. Map of median of 25 cases of `snowmelt week'.

_Fig. 9. Map of quartile range of 25 cases of `snowmelt week'.

_Fig. 10. Maps of `snowfall week' of individual years, (a) 1976 and (b) 1977.

_Fig. 11. Map of median of 25 cases of `snowfall week'.

_Fig. 12. Map of quartile range of 25 cases of `snowfall week'.

_Fig. 13. Time - latitude scatterplot of median `snowmelt week' and `snowfall week' of grid boxes between 30oE and 120oE sorted by orographic elevation.

_Fig. 14. Time - latitude scatterplot of median `snowmelt week' and `snowfall week', orographic elevation less than 500 m. Western and central Eurasia.

_Fig. 15. Time - latitude scatterplot of median `snowmelt week' and `snowfall week', orographic elevation less than 500 m. Eastern Eurasia.

_Fig. 16. Time - latitude scatterplot of median `snowmelt week' and `snowfall week', orographic elevation less than 500 m. North America.

_Fig. 17. A tentative categorization.

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