Convection As heat transfer: energy transfer associated with motion of mass of fluid "Turbulent transfer" if motion is small-scale in the boundary layer. "Advection" if just part of circulation is considered. As a form of motion (broader sense) In a field of gravity, inhomogeneity of density is somehow made (Note: "density" is potential one including pressure effect), lighter parts rise and heavier parts sink. The motion acts to reduce the inhomogeneity of density. As a form of motion: Benard convection Fluid is kept at high temperature at bottom and low temperature at top; Cell-type or roll-type circulation is generated. (Horizontal and vertical scales of the circulation are similar.) Cumulus convection Difference from Benard convection come from phase change of water. Rain and snow drop => asymmetry between up and down => stronger updraft, broader downwelling area Part of rain evaporates => upward motion does not perpetuate but appear elsewhere